Appointment System News
We are now able to release a week's worth of Patient Access appointments on our system for booking via the Patient Access app. These will become available for booking from 9am on Sunday mornings for the following week going forward and will commence on 26.01.25 at 9am. Patients are reminded that they will only be able to book one of these slots at a time.
In addition, since our revision of the appointment system in July 2024 in order to better meet demand, the following appointments are also available with our clinicians.
Same Day appointments (ANP/GP)
Patient Access appointments (GP)
Bookable 1-3 days before appointments (GP)
Clinical follow up appointments (GP)
Children Under 16 appointments (GP)
In addition, we also have Home Visit and Nurse Triage slots.
We open for appointments from 8.30am Monday to Friday.
How to stop Norovirus spreading Due to an increase in Norovirus cases in the UK, we would like to remind you of the following guidance from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). Norovirus, also known as the ‘Winter Vomiting Bug’, is the most common stomach bug in the UK. It can spread easily through close contact, or by contaminated surfaces, food or water. Symptoms The main symptoms of Norovirus include a sudden onset of nausea, followed by projectile vomiting and diarrhoea, usually 1 to 2 days after becoming infected. Other common symptoms include a high fever, a headache and aching arms and legs. Prevention Good hand hygiene is important to stop Norovirus spreading. To stop Norovirus spreading, you should:
- ensure you follow ‘hand hygiene’ and wash your hands thoroughly using soap and warm water after using the toilet or contact with a sick individual and before preparing and eating food
- stay off school or work until you have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least two days
- not rely on alcohol gels instead of washing your hands, as these do not kill the virus
If you think you may have Norovirus, stay home for 48 hours after your symptoms clear. Recovery Most people will make a full recovery in two to three days without needing any medicine. It is important to keep hydrated – especially children and the elderly. Try not to visit the Emergency Department or GP surgeries if you have symptoms of Norovirus unless advised to do so by a healthcare professional, as this may spread the bug to others. Please do not hesitate to seek medical advice if you feel unwell.
Seasonal 'Flu Vaccination 2024/5
If you have not yet had your seasonal 'flu vaccination, and fall into one of the following inclusion groups, please contact the Surgery on 686960 and our staff will be happy to make you an appointment to see our Health Care Assistant. If you do not fall into any of the inclusion criteria, but would still like to have a vaccination, your local pharmacy should be able to provide this service privately.
Flu vaccination programme 2024 – 25
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has announced the cohorts eligible for the National flu immunisation programme 2024 to 2025 as:
- Those aged 65 years or over
- Those aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups (as defined in the Green Book Chapter 11)
- Children aged 2 to 3 years on 31 August 2024
- Primary school aged children (Reception to Year 6)
- Secondary school aged children in years 7 to 11
- All children in clinical risk groups aged from 6 months to less than 18 years
- Those aged 18 years to under 65 years in clinical risk groups (as defined by the Green Book, Influenza Chapter 19)
- Those living in a residential or nursing home
- The main carer of an older or disabled person
- Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals
- A frontline health or social care worker
- Pregnant women
The programme’s leaflets and guidance documents will be updated as information becomes available.
View the sections below with information for the public and information for professionals.
For the public
Guidance: The flu vaccination: who should have it and why?
The partners at Snaefell Surgery LLC welcome comments and suggestions from their patients and these can be submitted via our website or in writing to the Practice Manager.
If you have a comment or complaint about the surgery we encourage you to report this through the correct channels, not via social media such as Facebook.
The practice always investigates queries and complaints and responds to patients in a timely way.
The partners will not hesitate to remove a patient from the surgery list if they are found to have made libellous statements or defamatory comments about the surgery or a member of the surgery staff. The legal definition of defamation is:
“any intentionally false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.”
Patients are therefore asked to contact the Surgery IN THE FIRST INSTANCE should they have any queries or issues rather than posting these in an open forum such as Facebook; suggestions made by contributors to such posts can be unhelpful and inflammatory.
The Surgery will not comment on any posts in line with our Social Media Policy.
Medical gas oxygen cylinders amnesty
Manx Care, along with the Department of Infrastructure (DOI), are asking members of the community to contact us if they have any medical gas/oxygen cylinders they are no longer using, so that they can be collected and reused if possible.
We are looking to recycle as many medical gas/oxygen cylinders as we can so they can be re-used by patients who need them.
We are trying to make it as easy as possible for people to return their unused cylinders, with an amnesty running from 01 to 31 July 2024. This means that no-one will ask you to explain where they have come from, and you will not be charged for them in any way.
People are invited to call 01624 642900 or 01624 642633, where you can speak to one of the oxygen team, to discuss any concerns you may have, and arrange a collection from your address.
If preferred, you can drop them off at St Johns, Douglas or Northern Civic Amenity Sites, where there will be specific cages for the cylinders.
We encourage all those who have any cylinders that they are not actively using to make use of this return window. Similarly, if you know of any friends, family members or patients who have one they are no longer using, please encourage them to return these too.
Thank you in advance for your support.


Manx Emergency Doctors Service - MEDS
*****MEDS have advised that they are receiving more and more patients that turn up at MEDS Reception, without calling first as per procedure.
Often, these patients are telling MEDS that their GP Reception team have told them that they need to attend MEDS, which they have taken literally rather than calling to be triaged. These patients are sometimes arriving between 5.30 and 6pm, when our staff are only just arriving to set up for MEDS to open at 6pm.
Could we please remind all patients that if a patient needs the utilise MEDS, that they must call 650355 during our operational hours and not just turn up to be seen.***
The Manx Emergency Doctors Service (MEDS) will close between midnight and 8am on Mondays to Fridays from next Monday (08.01.24)
This is for an initial period of 12 weeks (until March 31).
Manx Care said the change is due to 'recent staffing issues' and because of the 'significant reduction in demand during these hours'.
During the eight hour period between midnight and 8am on weekdays from January 8 until March 31, those who need emergency care should call 999 or attend the Emergency Department directly.
For non-emergencies, contact your GP surgery when it opens, visit your local community pharmacy when available, or if appropriate, you get to head to Ramsey to attend the Minor Injuries and Illnesses Unit (MIU) when it opens at 8am.
Between midnight and 8am on weekdays, there will be an on-call GP available to support the Isle of Man Ambulance Service and Hospice Isle of Man, should they require them.
From mid-January there will be an additional locum GP available during the day, who will provide additional capacity for on-the-day appointments that cannot be accommodated within a patient’s own GP practice.
Each GP Practice will have the ability to allocate a number of additional appointments on the day, which will be offered from a GP practice in Douglas
Friends and Family Survey

Your feedback is very much appreciated - please take a few moments to complete the online questionnaire by scanning the QR code below; alternatively, use the following link
Easy Read version available using the link below:
Paper copies are available at Reception

Over the Counter Medication

Patients with minor conditions where the medication is readily available over-the-counter (OTC) in pharmacies or supermarkets will no longer receive prescriptions for those treatments.
Instead they will be advised which treatments or medication to purchase by their GP, Nurse or community pharmacist, as these items are often cheaper to buy directly when compared to the cost of a prescription.
This will primarily affect medications such as paracetamol, throat lozenges or vitamins, and conditions such as cystitis or dandruff.
Any patients using OTC medications as part of the management or treatment of a more long-term condition will continue to receive it on prescription.
Find out more about what this means for patients by clicking on the link https://www.gov.im/otc?iomg-device=Desktop
Henry Bloom Noble Healthcare Trust launches new grant scheme

Click on link below to read about Henry Bloom Noble Healthcare Trust Grant Scheme, and how the purchase of a FeNo machine using this grant will benefit the diagnosis of asthma within Primary Care.
Snaefell Surgery wishes to thank the HBNT for their support in the purchase of this diagnostic equipment.
Welcome to Snaefell Surgery
With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
Get Well, Keep Well
Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition.
Join In
We hope you enjoy having a look around the site and familiarising yourself with some of the online features such as ordering a repeat prescription. Whatever your thoughts, be sure to let us know via our feedback function. Comments and suggestions are always a great way of helping us continue to enhance the way we look after you.
There is ramped access to the surgery for wheelchair and pushchair users, or for those patients who find stairs challenging. We also have a wheelchair for patient use should this be required. Patients are reminded that this is used at their own risk and that the surgery holds no responsibility for any injury or accident caused during its use.
Your Information, Your Rights
As your GP practice, we are a ‘data controller’ for any information
that we keep about you and your health.
This Privacy Notice tells you what information we collect about you,
how we store it, and who we share it with - and the reasons why.
All of the different information we keep about your health is looked after
by the staff who look after you. Only the doctors and nurses you have appointments with will be able to access to your information.
The information can only be viewed when absolutely necessary.
What type of information do we keep about you?
- ‘Personal data’. This means any information that can identify who you are.
This includes your name, date of birth, full postcode, address and next of kin;
- ‘Special category / sensitive data’. This means any information about your medical history. It could be when you have come in for appointments, medication you have been given, notes about your care, or treatments.
It could also be social care status, race or ethnic origin.
The personal information we keep about you is to help us provide health or social care or treatment, under the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018.
Where do we keep your records?
Your personal information is held in both paper and electronic forms for specific amounts of time.
We will always make sure:
- Your records are accurate
- Your records are secure
- You can access your records
What do we do with your information?
Your records are used to manage and deliver your care. This helps us make sure:
- The practice staff have all of the information they need to help them provide you with the best care for your needs.
- The practice staff involved in your care have correct and up-to-date information about you.
- The right information is available in case you see another healthcare professional, or need to see a specialist, social care or health care provider.
Who do we share your information with?
We may need to share information with other organisations such as:
- NHS England
- Public Health England
- Other GP practices, hospitals or ambulance services
- Social Services
What are your rights?
If we need to use your personal information for any reasons that isn’t listed above, we will discuss this with you or your parent(s) / guardian(s) to obtain consent, depending on your circumstances.
The DPA 2018 means that you or your parent(s) / guardian(s) may have the right to:
- Ask to see the personal data we hold about you, such as health records.
- Ask us to correct information in your health records that you think is wrong or incomplete.
- Refuse or take away consent for us to share your health records with others – an example could be using your information for research purposes.
- Ask us to send your personal information to other healthcare providers.
A member of the practice team will make a decision about
whether you can do these yourself, or if it is more appropriate
to involve a parent / guardian.
May 2024
Review Date: April 2025
2022-2023 DSPT Certificate - click on this link to view our certificate
DSPT Certificate - click on this link to view our latest certificate for 2023-2024
Primary Care Network - Privacy Notice
(Site updated 10/03/2025)