Welcome to Snaefell Surgery
With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations

Signposting - Getting the level of help that's right for you
It can sometimes be overwhelming trying to decide which healthcare provider is best placed to help you with your needs. This guide will signpost you to the most appropriate service or clinician depending on the level of support you need. Please consider whether you need to go straight to the Emergency Department at Noble’s Hospital, or whether you can get the help you need elsewhere. Please also remember that the Emergency Department is there to help you if you need urgent or emergency care, so please don’t delay getting the treatment or support you need. You should always dial 999 in the event someone is seriously ill or injured, their life is at risk, or for any other life-threatening emergency. Please click on link below for more in depth information
Winter Health Information
With the winter now upon us, please take a few minutes to view the following information posters in order to stay warm and well this winter.
2-3 year olds
65 year olds
Clinical Risk Groups for Free 'Flu and Covid vaccinations
Handwashing Poster
Health and Social Care Workers
Pregnancy Vaccinations
Stay Warm This Winter
Stay Well This Winter
Useful Contacts
Winter Health Checklist
Winter Health for Workers

Please note that medical certificates will be signed by our GP on Thursday afternoon; patients are therefore reminded to request their Medical Certificate continuation notes on Monday to ensure it will be ready for collection on Friday. Regular reviews of continuation medical certificates still apply and please be aware you may be asked to make a clinical appointment if requested by the clinician.
The partners at Snaefell Surgery LLC welcome comments and suggestions from their patients and these can be submitted via our website or in writing to the Practice Manager.
If you have a comment or complaint about the surgery we encourage you to report this through the correct channels, not via social media such as Facebook. The practice always investigates complaints and responds to patients in a timely way.
The partners will not hesitate to remove a patient from the surgery list if they are found to have made libellous statements or defamatory comments about the surgery or a member of the surgery staff. The legal definition of defamation is:
“any intentionally false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person’s reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.”
Thank you
Patient Participation Group
Would you like to take an active part in the Surgery and shape its services? We are recruiting new members to our active Patient Participation Group. See attached poster for details.
Patient Participation Group
GP Patient Survey
Why not take a few minutes to complete the Survey using the link below. It will assist us in improving our service.
The Reciprocal Healthcare Arrangement with the United Kingdom

Please view public documents on www.gov.im/rha for IOM residents visiting the UK and UK residents visiting the IOM.
If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a Doctor but need to see one, you can received emergency treatment from your local GP Practice for 14 days.
After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.
Please see leaflet attached below
Advice for visiting the Isle of Man Leaflet
Thanks for contacting Snaefell Surgery.
If requesting repeat medication please allow at least 2-3 working days for turnaround.
We can NO LONGER deal with clinical queries or appointment requests via email.
If you have a medical query or want to talk to a member of our clinical staff,
please request a ‘phone consultation on (01624) 686960.
Please note that our clinical staff do not reply to emails as this is not in keeping with good clinical practice.
If we do need to contact you, we will endeavour to do this within 72 hours.